Cafe de Olla Recipe: Traditional Mexican Spiced Coffee!

by Anne Carter

New Recipe

Course: Drinks Cuisine: Mexican Prep Time:5minutes Cook Time:20minutes  sleep time:7minutes Total Time:32minutes  Calories: 77kcal

Recipe details 

– Large cooking pot – Coffee mug


– 4 cups water – 3 inch section fresh orange peel – Mexican piloncillo cane sugar cone to taste –3 inch cinnamon stick – 1/4 cup ground coffee not instant – 1 whole clove optional – 1/2 star anise optional


1. Combine water, piloncillo, cinnamon, clove, anise, and orange peel in a clay pot (if available). 2.  Heat over medium until it simmers lightly.


3. Stir to dissolve piloncillo completely. 4.  Simmer for a few minutes to infuse flavors.


5. Add ground coffee to the pot and stir. 6. Steep for 7 minutes, then strain and serve hot.


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