Hard Cider Recipe: Homemade Adventure

by jacob allen

New Recipe

Course: Drinks Cuisine: Western Prep Time: 1 hour Cook Time: 28 days Resting time: 60 days Calories: 100 kcal Servings: 10

Hard Cider Recipe: Homemade Adventure

- Apple Crusher or Press - Fermentation Vessel - Airlock or Blow-off Tube - Yeast - Bottles or Kegs - Siphon or Racking Cane - Thermometer


- 20 pound Fresh Apple - 5 gram Brewing Yeast


1. Wash and chop the apples into small pieces, keeping the skins on for natural yeast. 2. Crush the apples using a crusher, press, food processor, or blender. 3. Extract the juice by squeezing the crushed apples in a cloth or mesh bag or using a press.


4. Pour the juice into a sanitized fermentation vessel, leaving space at the top. 5. brewing yeast over the juice's surface; no need to rehydrate if using dry yeast. 6. Seal the vessel with an airlock or blow-off tube to allow gas escape while preventing contaminants.


4. Pour the juice into a sanitized fermentation vessel, leaving space at the top. 5. brewing yeast over the juice's surface; no need to rehydrate if using dry yeast. 6. Seal the vessel with an airlock or blow-off tube to allow gas escape while preventing contaminants.


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